143 Berkley

Data-Driven Decisions: Using Analytics to Optimize Your Business 

Transform raw data into a strategic asset.

In the fast-paced business world, making informed decisions is crucial for success. Mid-sized businesses often have unique challenges and opportunities, and that’s where the power of data-driven decision-making comes into play. By using the information analytics offer, your business can improve marketing strategies, improve customer experiences, and achieve steady growth. 1. Setting the Foundation: Data […]

Today’s SEO Dilemma: Google’s Warning Against Content Pruning

Navigating Google's caution on content pruning: Learn how it impacts SEO strategies & user experience in our insightful article.

In the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization (SEO), staying up-to-date with the latest trends and guidelines is crucial to maintaining and improving your website’s visibility on search engines. One recent development that has sparked discussions among SEO professionals is Google’s stance on content pruning. While content pruning has been touted to improve website quality […]

5 Advantages of Hiring Freelancers Over Full-Time Employees

5 Advantages of Hiring Freelancers Over Full-Time Employees

If your gut reaction to this blog’s title is “Someone in-house is always better than outsourcing!” we’re glad you’re here. We fully understand why, on paper, a full-time employee sounds like the obvious choice. But before you write off taking a new approach to growing your business, consider these five advantages of hiring freelancers over […]

Agencies vs Freelancers: Which Is Best for Your Marketing Needs?

Marketing Agencies vs. Freelancers- Which Is Best for Your Marketing Needs_

Not sure if you should hire an agency or a freelancer for your marketing needs? Check out our latest blog post to learn more about the differences between the two and how you can find the perfect fit for your business. 🤔

Find out why agencies and freelancers can benefit different types of businesses, and get tips on choosing the right one for you.

Why Your Website Needs a Lead Magnet

143Berkley.com_Lead magnet

“Lead magnet” is a marketing term thrown around by a lot of non-marketing people. So before you click out of this page ask yourself, how much do you know about the power of lead magnets for small/mid-size businesses? Without further ado, let’s jump in: What is a lead magnet? Often called “gated content,” a lead […]